As a supportive offering to expand your perspective, come JOIN the 14 day JOY RESET for free.
Worried you're too busy? I got you, this is impactful but a low time requirement.
Sign up below to join the next Joy Reset.
I’m in the midst of a difficult time in my life beyond my control, and I am intentionally turning back towards joy and the daily decision to prioritize peace and joy, knowing I won’t always be living there, but that it is my intention to touch them every day. I’m happy to create the ripple effect of spreading joy.
There’s an African proverb that says, ‘if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.’
I’m inviting you to join me for the collective strength of being in a supportive community. (Even if you aren’t actually meeting, it’s an invisible powerful connection when joining in a common goal with others.) The energetic container of knowing you’re in an effort together, magic happens here. For 14 days we will do this together, separately.
There’s an African proverb that says, ‘if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.’
I’m inviting you to join me for the collective strength of being in a supportive community. (Even if you aren’t actually meeting, it’s an invisible powerful connection when joining in a common goal with others.) The energetic container of knowing you’re in an effort together, magic happens here. For 14 days we will do this together, separately.
A collective healing container of community and momentum to hold you accountable. For 14 days you will simply get an email a day from me with a mystery prompt, reflection and call to action to photograph, paint, organize, write, dance, play, walk your way through to movement. It’s like spring cleaning for the soul. Only a few minutes a day required. INtention setting matters! Like a meditation practice in action.
Sign up and make a COMMITMENT to yourself for more JOY. See how it is possible to shift internally and register here. (There is NO cost but I do need to know who to send it to! ) register below.
Join me HERE: